IER (International Economic Relations) was founded in 1946 as a department of The Academy of Finance, which also was founded in 1946. Originally IER was founded as IFR (International Financial Relations). And existed until 1954, when was closed by reason of "no more need in specialists in finance".

Economic reform in October 1966 changed the structure of MFI (Moscow Financial Institute). Thanks to this reform IER was refounded (1969) by way of present structure. Since the year of 1992 faculties are called institutes and deans are directors. Nowadays the director of the institute is Valentin K. Pospelov.

 IER is the department of the Academy of Finance. IER qualifies experts in the field of international economy. Professors and lecturers, as well as employees of leading Russian banks and initiations, foreign specialists keep in in the institute. Educational process is laid on the basis of limited combination of springy Russian higher school's traditions and translated foreign experience.  Students are studying up to date achievements of international economic thoughts in the field of finance and banking.  Students from the Europe, the Asia and the Africa are studying here.  Many of the Russian students are led on the probation  to the universities and the colleges in the UK, the USA, Germany, France.

Contact information:

Address:  101, Prospect Mira, Moscow, Russia.

Phone:  (+7 095) 217-46-24


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